Gabby Funderburk is a current resident in the Triad, NC, area. Her initial exposure to candle-making came while attending her bridal shower at the Hummingbird Candle Company in July 2020. In 2021, due to pandemic isolation, she decided to revisit this craft for self-care and therapeutic purposes. Little did she know this was the beginning of her passion for candle-making.
In November 2021, a small business owner invested in her newfound hobby, giving 25lbs of beeswax, fragrance oils, and other tools needed to start her candles. Shortly after, Gabby attended her first vending event, which sold out hours before the event was over. Because of this experience, Gabby presented a love for candles and knew she had found her passion.
~ Creating a Safe Space~
Nothing is like walking into your home after a long day and being greeted by a breath of fresh air. Not only are beeswax candles great for the environment, but they protrude negative ions that help a person enhance their mood. They also have a longer burn time than other candle bases, and the wooden wicks of a Gab's Crates candle sustain a longer than average burn time! Each Gab's Crates oil blended fragrance is carefully hand crafted to ensure that your home is fragrant and inviting. The organic beeswax base also lends the candle a firm, light smell. Most importantly, each Gab's Crates candle is infused with one special ingredient, love!